Michalina Surma, M.A.
Michalina Surma, M.A., a Polish philologist who works under supervision of Błażej Osowski, Ph.D. She has written her M.A. thesis on Środkowowielkopolskie słownictwo pola tematycznego WESELE – od SWATÓW do BŁOGOSŁAWIEŃSTWA (Central Wielkopolska vocabulary related to WEDDING PARTIES – from MATCHMAKERS to BLESSING) under supervision of Prof. Jerzy Sierociuk.
Her research interests revolve around the generational diversity of cultural vocabulary in the language spoken by inhabitants of villages in Wielkopolska, sociolinguistics, lexicography and subdialectal lexicology. Her planned doctoral dissertation pertains to linguistic homogeneity and diversity in the vocabulary related to CHRISTENING and FUNERAL in the language spoken by inhabitants of villages in Wielkopolska.

As a researcher, she made her debut with a speech on Leksyka mikropola SWATY w wybranych gwarach Wielkopolski (The vocabulary of the micro field MATCHMAKERS in selected subdialects spoken in Wielkopolski) at the conference Język w regionie – region w języku (The language in a region – a region in the language 3) in 2018. It was also the title of an article published in a post-conference volume in 2020. She has also published an article in “Kwartalnik Językoznawczy”: Kategoria “dawności” w świadomości językowej mieszkańców wsi Ocieszyn (pow. obornicki) (The category of “oldness” in the linguistic awareness of the inhabitants of Ocieszy,n a village in Oborniki county) [“Kwartalnik Językoznawczy”, 2016/4 – 2017/1 (28-29) [published in 2020]]. Her text Polter, Pulteram, Polterabend – o tradycyjnej formie przedweselnego świętowania w wybranych gwarach Wielkopolskich (Polter, Pulteram, Polterabend – the traditional form of celebrating in selected subdialects in Wielkopolska) will be published in “Prace Filologiczne”, vol. LXXV).