Katarzyna Zagłoba, M.A.
Since 2018, Katarzyna Zagłoba, M.A., has been third-degree student at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań where in 2016, she completed first-degree studies at the Faculty of Polish Philology (major: publishing) and second degree studies in 2018.
Her research interests revolve around dialectology, lexicography and culture of language. In her deliberations, she focuses on the Lesser Poland and Wielkopolska borderline. She also deals with research into the methods in contemporary regional lexicography. She is working on her doctoral thesis dedicated to vocabulary from the thematic area of INTERIOR DECORATION, based on materials obtained single-handedly during conversations with inhabitants of central Poland.

She presents the results of her research at conferences organised in Poland (Warsaw, Poznań, Lodz) and abroad (Lvov and Kiev) and in academic publications included in “Rozprawy Komisji Językowej” (“The Language Committee Dissertations”), Dialog pokoleń (Dialogue of generations), Język w regionie – region w języku (The language in a region – a region in the language), Juwenalia historycznojęzykowe (Historical and linguistic student works) and in a Ukrainian monograph.
Since 2017, Katarzyna Zagłoba has been chairwoman of the Students’ Dialectology Club at UAM. She also popularises knowledge of dialectology during academic and cultural events, in the local press and online.