Justyna Kobus, Ph.D.
– mail: jusper@amu.edu.pl
– tel.: 61-829-4662
Justyna Kobus, a dialectologist, defended her doctoral thesis and habilitation dissertation in the Dialectology Workshop of the Poznań University (UAM). Graduate of the Faculty of Polish Philology at UAM, she majored in teaching and theatre studies (2000-2005). She defended her doctoral thesis with honours in 2009. In 2016, as part of Postgraduate Studies in Archival Science and Document Management (Faculty of History, UAM), she defended her diploma project and in 2019, she earned her doctoral degree in humanities in the realm of linguistics. She is involved in field research, namely phonographic archiving of rural language. Her academic interests include subdialectal lexicology and lexicography, inflection phenomena in Wielkopolska and ethnography. She has attended conferences organised in Poland and abroad.

Author of a monograph on Kierunki i dynamika zmian w języku mieszkańców wielkopolskich wsi na przełomie wieków XX i XXI ()The Directions and dynamics of changes in the language of Wielkopolska rural areas in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries) 2015, and Studia nad fleksją rzeczownika w gwarach wielkopolskich (Studies in the noun inflection in Wielkopolska subdialects) 2019, as well as numerous articles. Co-editor of dictionaries published as part of a series “Wielkopolskie Słowniki Regionalne” (“Wielkopolska Regional Dictionaries”), a series Język w regionie, regionw języku (The language in a region, a region in the language) and a new edition of a collection of short stories by Jolanta Brzezińska written in a subdialect (Nieznajomi 2020); theme editor of “Gwary Dziś” journal. Member of the Polish Ethnological Society and the Society of Enthusiasts of the Polish Language.